window._postlist_polimorf_examples = { identifier: 'postlist-list-', pagination_element: ' %%$_NUMBER_$%%', page_numbers_selected_class: 'current', pagination_class: 'pm-postlist-pagination', pagination_selector_id: '-pm-page-numbers', pagination_number_sub: '%%$_NUMBER_$%%', pagination_number_ident: '%%$_NUMBERIDENT_$%%', entries: [ { posts_per_page: 5, posts: [ '\
\ \ Page Example\

Page Example

\ \

This is an example of a typical page where you can either add content to the WordPress editor or add your own via a schematic.

', '\
\ \ Gallery example\

Gallery example

\ \

This page demonstrates how to create a simple gallery out of three sets of boxes. It forms a grid pattern that can be further manipulated with css and JavaScript.

', '\
\ \ Section example\

Section example

\ \

This page displays a simple section with elements and a dark blue background. This is followed by three boxes. The font in the section is different than that of the default theme (Open Sans rather than Faustina).

' ], sticky: [ ] } ] };