window._postlist_authors_polimorfic = { identifier: 'postlist-template', pagination_element: ' %%$_NUMBER_$%%', page_numbers_selected_class: 'current', pagination_class: 'pm-postlist-pagination', pagination_selector_id: '-pm-page-numbers', pagination_number_sub: '%%$_NUMBER_$%%', pagination_number_ident: '%%$_NUMBERIDENT_$%%', sub_title: "Posts by author: Polimorfic", back_link: ' \
\ \ Back to Authors\
', header: '

', entries: [ { posts_per_page: 5, posts: [ '\
\ \ MorfLess - Gallery Example\

MorfLess - Gallery Example

\ \

This page demonstrates how to create a simple gallery out of three sets of boxes. It forms a grid pattern that can be further manipulated with css and JavaScript.

', '\
\ \ MorfLess - Page Example\

MorfLess - Page Example

\ \

This is an example of a typical page or post that is generated from a schematic.

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\ \ MorfLess - Examples\

MorfLess - Examples

\ \

Some examples of what you can do with MorfLess.

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\ \ About PoliMorfic\

About PoliMorfic

\ \

PoliMorfic is a venture to create interesting software applications using Cloud-based services. Current the main cloud service is Amazon Web Services (AWS). The current project include the AWS compatible WordPress-based Theme, PoliMorf, and the AWS serverless website application, MorfLess.

', '\
\ \ MorfLess - Settings\

MorfLess - Settings

\ \

The settings file (settings.txt) defines various meta information and default values for many elements. It is also where the search api url is added along with the search information for template files, index and 404.

', '\
\ \ MorfLess - Inserts\

MorfLess - Inserts

\ \

Inserts are where you add schematic commands from other files. Much like using remote data in PoliMorf, with inserts you can create common elements and reuse them easily.

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\ \ MorfLess - Pages and Posts\

MorfLess - Pages and Posts

\ \

Pages and posts have different properties, the main ones being that pagination is linked to their type, and posts have categories associated with them. Other than that the formats are the same.

', '\
\ \ MorfLess - Layouts\

MorfLess - Layouts

\ \

Layouts depend on what sections you wish to add. The basic layout is full-width with a header, main and footer section. More detailed layouts have sections before and after the main section as well as the ability to add a sidebar.

', '\
\ \ MorfLess\


\ \

MorfLess is a serverless website application running in Amazon Web Services (AWS). It uses plain text files and a simple syntax structure to create a fully functioning blog and site. Files can be referenced within files so that re-use of elements can be achieved. And the best thing is that it is amazingly cheap to run!

', '\
\ \ Gallery example\

Gallery example

\ \

This page demonstrates how to create a simple gallery out of three sets of boxes. It forms a grid pattern that can be further manipulated with css and JavaScript.

', '\
\ \ Page Example\

Page Example

\ \

This is an example of a typical page where you can either add content to the WordPress editor or add your own via a schematic.

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\ \ PoliMorf Theme - Examples\

PoliMorf Theme - Examples

\ \

Some examples of what you can do with PoliMorf.

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\ \ Section example\

Section example

\ \

This page displays a simple section with elements and a dark blue background. This is followed by three boxes. The font in the section is different than that of the default theme (Open Sans rather than Faustina).

', '\
\ \ PoliMorf Theme - Layouts\

PoliMorf Theme - Layouts

\ \

You can add more elements to the basic page or post layout by using extra tags. These tags can add elements above and below the main content, as well as adding a sidebar. You can add these elements theme-wide or individually.

', '\
\ \ PoliMorf Theme - Formatting pages and posts\

PoliMorf Theme - Formatting pages and posts

\ \

PoliMorf allows you to design and style pages and posts at either the theme level or at the individual level. It also allows you to use WordPress functionality, such as menus and widgets, in any part of the page or site.

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\ \ PoliMorf Theme - Remote pages\

PoliMorf Theme - Remote pages

\ \

Instead of saving formats in each page and post, or in the theme Options, you may want to reduce the footprint on the hosted database and store content in the Cloud. Since schematic formats are simple text files, they can be stored like other static content.

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\ \ PoliMorf Theme\

PoliMorf Theme

\ \

PoliMorf is a WordPress™ theme built on the power of lists of simple commands. You get to control exactly how you want your pages to look, right down to the structure and styling.

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\ \ Privacy policy\

Privacy policy

\ \

This site does not store any user data. The only method of interaction with Polimorfic is through third-party helpdesk software.

', '\
\ \ Cookies policy\

Cookies policy

\ \

This site uses cookies - small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better.

' ], sticky: [ ] } ] };